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You will need valid identification to use your free tickets. All the clubs we work with are either 18+ or 21+

Many free ticket offers will come close to the day of the show.

Most comedy clubs will have a 2 drink min per person. This is not covered by the free tickets from FreeComedyTix.Com All of the venues offer non alcoholic beverages or food that count towards the min, and all of them have reasonably priced options so you don't have to break the bank.

Each club will have different check in options. We'll provide the details before the show.

Some clubs will want a single member per ticket and some will allow you to bring groups. If you're coming to the venue with the group everyone will check in under members name, however, they will all need individual ID for age verification.

Free tickets are first come first served. If we have 50 to give away the first 50 members to respond will get the tickets.

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